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Benedict Cumberbatch Might Be Khan A Sith in Star Wars: Episode VII


Benedict Cumberbatch Might Be Khan A Sith in Star Wars: Episode VII

Home / Benedict Cumberbatch Might Be Khan A Sith in Star Wars: Episode VII
Movies & TV Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch Might Be Khan A Sith in Star Wars: Episode VII


Published on September 3, 2013


The rumor mill for Star Wars casting never ends these days, but this one was bound to crop up at some point. According to various playground whispers that Bleeding Cool unearthed, Benedict Cumberbatch has been tapped to play someone highly predictable in Episode VII.

Rumors include the possibility that Cumberbatch will not only show up in the 2015 Star Wars film, but in the entire forthcoming trilogy. We have to assume that he was asked in the first place because J.J. Abrams needs the same faces around him in every space-faring film project in order to feel safe. Which is why Simon Pegg will be playing Yoda’s illegitimate child, and Chris Pine will be a Millennium Falcon that has achieved sentience.

The rumors do point toward Cumberbatch taking up the villain’s role, to which we can only say… sigh. We understand that having such a resonant voice leads to certain lots in life, but we loved him first as Sherlock and would prefer a more diverse career path for the guy. We suppose that it will all be just fine provided that the Sith he plays is not named S’Maug from some large dragon-like species that we’re never even heard of.

Wait… a Sith dragon. We take it back—this is an awesome idea.

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Stubby the Rocket


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